Common Problems Associated To A Wisdom Teeth
There are various problems linked to a wisdom teeth. These are almost always the last teeth to erupt in your mouth and which is associated with so much pain. FYI these are four in number and are at each corner of your mouth at the back. You can basically see them at the age of seventeen to twenty-four. This is not the case as they can appear earlier or after the described age. The cause severe pain because they don't have enough space in the mouth to fully come through. They then partly emerge into the mouth by making space with irregular eruptions or sometimes not come through at all. They cause disturbance to the neighbour tooth and cause pain and discomfort in mostly all the cases. Symptoms of Trouble Causing Wisdom Tooth: Ache and Swelling: pain and swelling of the gum overlying the wisdom teeth. Sometimes bad breath, incoming blood and bad taste can be there. In worst scenario you can face Pus appearing from the inflamed gum area. People often feel pain whi...